Cooperation with parents
Communication with parents is very important to us. We have daily conversations with parents regarding any news, updates and information regarding their child and preschool life. We also have comment sheets for each child that teachers use to record and document the child’s activity, social and academic (akin to a diary).
On the website there is a private link for parents to see all information regarding school activity.
We also provide the opportunity for parents to have one to one meetings with the class teacher or director as well as this there is the opportunity for parents to be guided and supported with their decision making for futher education.
Cooperation with organisations
Arcidiézní charita Praha
Since the first year of The Globe Preschool, we have sponsored the education of Geoffrey Kisakye, an African boy, from Uganda. We are blessed to be able to offer such a wonderful education, great facilities and experiences to our children here in the Czech Republic that it feels only right to offer something to a child with less opportunity. The children at The Globe are encouraged to be active and mindful of this offering, and are writing letters, sending pictures to Geoffrey on a regular basis.
Dětský domov Charlotty Masarykové a Počítačový klub „Zelený pták“
Throughout the year we prepare events for our families and local community. Sometimes we hold these events with the aim to raise money for local charities. For a couple of years now we have organized a ‘Jumble Sale’ / Market offering second hand items, which has successfully raised funds for a local children’s home. Just last year we were excited to also be able to help fund a local group that assist people with learning / physical disabilities access and improve there I.T skills.
Základní škola Compass
In our educational program we organise some days together with children from ZŠ Compass, we visit each other and present our work outcomes. We also plan some events for parents together, for example Christmas concert. Our pre-schoolers visit some lessons at Compass to see a real school.
Základní škola Kunratice
Some of our past students have gone on to Kunratice School.
Sue Ryder, domov pro seniory
The cooperation with Sue Ryder, a charity that offers care, support and homes for elderly people, started in May 2013, where we donated a great deal of items for their charity shops in Prague. Since then we have had their representatives attend our ‘Victorian Market’ themed Easter performance, with their own stall selling arts and crafts. We hope to continue this positive collaboration.